Auto Insurance in and around Corpus Christi
Take this great auto insurance for a spin, Corpus Christi
Insurance that's the wheel deal

Would you like to create a personalized auto quote?
Insure For Smooth Driving
With State Farm, you can have confidence that your auto insurance is reliable and dependable. With numerous savings programs such as Multiple Automobiles and Claim-Free, State Farm aims to give you excellent savings. Not sure which savings options are available to you? Felix Pena can help you make sure you are enrolled in all eligible programs.
Take this great auto insurance for a spin, Corpus Christi
Insurance that's the wheel deal

Coverage From Here To There And Everywhere In Between
Even better—reliable coverage from State Farm is possible for a wide array of vehicles, from sedans to smart cars to scooters to motorcycles.
So don’t let vandalism or cracked windshields stop you from moving forward!
Have More Questions About Auto Insurance?
Call Felix at (361) 992-7760 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
Put the brakes on aggressive driving
Put the brakes on aggressive driving
Stay alert for the signs of aggressive driving in other drivers — or perhaps even road rage bubbling up in you.
The real consequences of drunk driving
The real consequences of drunk driving
Drunk driving is not worth the risk. These tips can help you understand the dangers and penalties.

Simple Insights®
Put the brakes on aggressive driving
Put the brakes on aggressive driving
Stay alert for the signs of aggressive driving in other drivers — or perhaps even road rage bubbling up in you.
The real consequences of drunk driving
The real consequences of drunk driving
Drunk driving is not worth the risk. These tips can help you understand the dangers and penalties.